'Composed Office' is a site-specific project in which we change the façade of the renovated Witteveen + Bos office...

'Composed Office' is a site-specific project in which we change the façade of the renovated Witteveen + Bos office...
OHM is a relatively new collaborative project where Geert-Jan Hobijn, Gijs Gieskes and Radboud Mens perform using...
https://soundcloud.com/staalplaat-soundsystem/ohm-at-the-stedelijk-museum-24-02-17-amsterdam Ohm is more a side...
We build a new mechanical orchestra for Transmediale that consists of instruments made of custolmised household...
A new sound installation was made for de presentation 100 Hollandse Meesters in de 21ste eeuw (100 portraits of...
We started the new year with a new set up. 'One of each' of the usual instruments and featuring some new arrivals....
At the Dutch GOGBOT festival we presened for the first time our new sequencer system. Now we can play our machines...
"Kraft durch Klang" is an exhibition / installation in a old WOII German bunker (old Atlantic-wall) in a park...
We presented a new version of the Sale Away soundinstallation at le...
We presented a new version of our Sale Away soundinstallation at Dordtyart . Sale Away (2004) Dordtyart is a sound...
staalplaat soundsystem made a very simple sound installation: a set up with 4 coffee machines at DOK-Gent, Belgium. 4...
Staalplaat Sale Away installation video A video of the installation, made for LACE ...
by Staalplaat Soundsystem and FM3. An audience-controlled collage of acid circuit mutilation, elektro-sonic pain and...
Time's Up is holding a staalplaat soundsystem workshop focused on working practice in cooperation with servus.at. The...
During the Sonic Art 08 residency the Indian artist Navin Thomas needed a sound instrument for a performance in New...
During the Sonic Art 08 residency I have made a "for the spirits of dead computers" a sound-machine from things I got...
Otto BerlinOn a previous Khoj Sonic Art residency in 2006 there was a project done by Cynthia Zaven named "Untuned...
For the Octopus festival in Paris (may 2nd 2008) we developed a new version of our avantilator performance using parts...
On the 2nd October we took part in an evening of musikprotokoll featuring the FM3 Buddha Machine we were asked to do a...
We finished a new installation called "Tschumifoon" for the beautiful tschumipaviljoen in Groningen. Out of the glass...
CHEW-Z was a festival organised by Massimiliano Viel and the people arround the plattform sincronie. CHEW-Z Colliding...
Our project YOKOMONO got a Honorary Mention Digital Music at this years Ars Electronica Festival. We showed a new...
"Nose Dive on Linschoten " was a new mechanical sound orchestra, containing 7 motor driven sirens, 20 big sound boxes...
For the Stuttgarter Filmwinter we did a Philharmechanic Workshop with kid's building instruments from old...
This workshop held at the HFG in Karlsruhe was trying to explore the potentials of dead computers as msusic and sound...
The project was performed July 2 & 3, 2004 at the State X/New Forms Festival in The Hague, Holland. A sound art...
This installation was a later later version of the Avantilator project for Avanto festival 2003. It was shown at the...
For the 2003 edition of the Avanto Festival in Helsinki we did a new commissioned piece called AVANTILATOR - for one...
For Oorsmeer we realised a sound installation with 60 vacuum cleaners and played several concert especially for...
Jumpy Germanyness was a concert for brass orchestra and vacuum cleaners at garage festival, with Dick El demasiado,...
Kling Klang, Ancien Hopital, Lille France, 12. October 2002 When we first asked Geert-Jan Hobijn to install some of...
at some time in early 2002 - an email arrives from america which says it would be a nice idea to hold a running vacuum...
Sweet Sissy and the Ballroom Hiss was a concert performance for the 6th Vooruit Geluid Festival in Ghent Belgium,...
Transmediale. 01 International media art festival To challenge the museum visitors to reconsider their affiliation...
ebendiges Blau is a dynamic radio play developed for the annual sound art Garage festival in Stralsund. The piece is...
For the opening of a Staalplaat design exhibition at the Heinrich Böll Stiftung in Rostock on 21. April 2001 we showed...
For Club nuit électronique Festival International in Maubeuge, France on , 31. March 2001 we showed a version of...
For the Mixer Cinema Concert #6 "The Ear 2001" on 17. Febebruary 2001 in Amsterdam we showed a version of lullaby in...
For the Mille Plateaux Nacht 2000 at Volksbühne, Berlin on 14. November 2000 we showed a version of lullaby in...
A Composition for 104 Washing Machines (Weis 104) was realised for an installation made by the berlin artist Victor...
A composition for eight refrigerators was produced and performed at "open source" in the electric garage, a multimedia...
October 13, 2018 iii workspace, Willem Dreespark 312, The Hague The 34th edition of the interdisciplinary performance...
'Composed Office' is a site-specific project in which we change the façade of the renovated Witteveen + Bos office...
OHM is a relatively new collaborative project where Geert-Jan Hobijn, Gijs Gieskes and Radboud Mens perform using...
https://soundcloud.com/staalplaat-soundsystem/ohm-at-the-stedelijk-museum-24-02-17-amsterdam Ohm is more a side...
We build a new mechanical orchestra for Transmediale that consists of instruments made of custolmised household...
A new sound installation was made for de presentation 100 Hollandse Meesters in de 21ste eeuw (100 portraits of...
We started the new year with a new set up. 'One of each' of the usual instruments and featuring some new arrivals....
At the Dutch GOGBOT festival we presened for the first time our new sequencer system. Now we can play our machines...
"Kraft durch Klang" is an exhibition / installation in a old WOII German bunker (old Atlantic-wall) in a park...
We presented a new version of the Sale Away soundinstallation at le...
We presented a new version of our Sale Away soundinstallation at Dordtyart . Sale Away (2004) Dordtyart is a sound...
staalplaat soundsystem made a very simple sound installation: a set up with 4 coffee machines at DOK-Gent, Belgium. 4...
Staalplaat Sale Away installation video A video of the installation, made for LACE ...
by Staalplaat Soundsystem and FM3. An audience-controlled collage of acid circuit mutilation, elektro-sonic pain and...
Time's Up is holding a staalplaat soundsystem workshop focused on working practice in cooperation with servus.at. The...
During the Sonic Art 08 residency the Indian artist Navin Thomas needed a sound instrument for a performance in New...
During the Sonic Art 08 residency I have made a "for the spirits of dead computers" a sound-machine from things I got...
Otto BerlinOn a previous Khoj Sonic Art residency in 2006 there was a project done by Cynthia Zaven named "Untuned...
For the Octopus festival in Paris (may 2nd 2008) we developed a new version of our avantilator performance using parts...
On the 2nd October we took part in an evening of musikprotokoll featuring the FM3 Buddha Machine we were asked to do a...
We finished a new installation called "Tschumifoon" for the beautiful tschumipaviljoen in Groningen. Out of the glass...
CHEW-Z was a festival organised by Massimiliano Viel and the people arround the plattform sincronie. CHEW-Z Colliding...
Our project YOKOMONO got a Honorary Mention Digital Music at this years Ars Electronica Festival. We showed a new...
"Nose Dive on Linschoten " was a new mechanical sound orchestra, containing 7 motor driven sirens, 20 big sound boxes...
For the Stuttgarter Filmwinter we did a Philharmechanic Workshop with kid's building instruments from old...
This workshop held at the HFG in Karlsruhe was trying to explore the potentials of dead computers as msusic and sound...
The project was performed July 2 & 3, 2004 at the State X/New Forms Festival in The Hague, Holland. A sound art...
This installation was a later later version of the Avantilator project for Avanto festival 2003. It was shown at the...
For the 2003 edition of the Avanto Festival in Helsinki we did a new commissioned piece called AVANTILATOR - for one...
For Oorsmeer we realised a sound installation with 60 vacuum cleaners and played several concert especially for...
Jumpy Germanyness was a concert for brass orchestra and vacuum cleaners at garage festival, with Dick El demasiado,...
Kling Klang, Ancien Hopital, Lille France, 12. October 2002 When we first asked Geert-Jan Hobijn to install some of...
at some time in early 2002 - an email arrives from america which says it would be a nice idea to hold a running vacuum...
Sweet Sissy and the Ballroom Hiss was a concert performance for the 6th Vooruit Geluid Festival in Ghent Belgium,...
Transmediale. 01 International media art festival To challenge the museum visitors to reconsider their affiliation...
ebendiges Blau is a dynamic radio play developed for the annual sound art Garage festival in Stralsund. The piece is...
For the opening of a Staalplaat design exhibition at the Heinrich Böll Stiftung in Rostock on 21. April 2001 we showed...
For Club nuit électronique Festival International in Maubeuge, France on , 31. March 2001 we showed a version of...
For the Mixer Cinema Concert #6 "The Ear 2001" on 17. Febebruary 2001 in Amsterdam we showed a version of lullaby in...
For the Mille Plateaux Nacht 2000 at Volksbühne, Berlin on 14. November 2000 we showed a version of lullaby in...
A Composition for 104 Washing Machines (Weis 104) was realised for an installation made by the berlin artist Victor...
A composition for eight refrigerators was produced and performed at "open source" in the electric garage, a multimedia...