YOKOMONO got Honorary Mention at Ars Electronica 2006

by | Aug 31, 2006 | MACHINES, YOKOMONO

Our project YOKOMONO got a Honorary Mention Digital Music at this years Ars Electronica Festival. We showed a new version of the Installation wich turned out very nice.

YOKOMONO confronts viewers with a set-up consisting of 4 “vinyl killers” – little toy record players in the form of VW buses, each equipped with a needle and a small VHF transmitter. The “vinyl killers” circle around on specially prepared loop records, whose loops initially contain “digital silence”. The records are manipulated and prepared to create interferences, noises and rhythms, which are transmitted cross-wise by the VHF transmitters on two different frequencies to four groups of radios corresponding to the walls of the room, thus opening up a four-channel space-sound system. Additional radios on a circling toy train move through the different transmitter frequencies, thus permanently altering their sound and making the range and order of the frequencies visible.

The sound is determined by many factors – the wear and tear on the records and the primitive sound transmission (MONO) changes the original “digital silence”, adding mechanical and analog characteristics, while the rotation of the vinyl killers and the movement of the visitors in the room destabilize the VHF transmission to the radios, the transmitters interfere with one another and other transmitting devices such as mobile phones, and the gradually decreasing battery power of the vinyl killers changes the playing speed of the loops. All of this makes YOKOMONO an unstable, incalculable system, in which distortion and erosion, the obliteration and destruction of the sound are part of the concept.

You can read a review made by the german-french arte-TV here:

We also did a yokomono performace at the O.K. center media deck and spontaneously invited our friends chris (wirmachenbunt) and owain for some improvised vj-action. you can see some camicon ‘crappy cellphone cam’ impressions here .

yokomono at ars 2006